All aboard! The Reading Memorial High School Drama Club is excited to announce its production of Agatha Christie’s Murder on the Orient Express, a thrilling murder mystery written by the “Queen of Mystery,” Agatha Christie, and adapted for the stage by Ken Ludwig.
The exotic Orient Express is hurtling down the tracks…toward murder! With a train full of suspects and an alibi for each one, it’s the perfect mystery for the brilliant detective Hercule Poirot. This dramatic and suspenseful thriller is the first-ever stage adaptation of Agatha Christie’s suspenseful masterpiece come to life in a nostalgic and stylish production. Book your passage today for the thrill-ride of the season!
With an incredible ensemble of community talent both on and behind the stage, this tour-de- force of acting and technical excellence is not to be missed.
Running February 11th and 12th with performances at 7:30pm and February 13th with performances at 2:00. Tickets are available through their website at www.rmhsdrama.org. Covid safety protocols include distanced seating and masks mandated for all in the theatre.